Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Hacking Video tutorials

128 Bit Wep Cracking With Injection!.swf
A Penetration Attack Reconstructed.avi
A Quick and Dirty Intro to Nessus using the Auditor Boot CD!.swf
Adding Modules to a Slax or Backtrack Live CD from Windows.swf
Airplay replay attack - no wireless client required.swf
Anonym.OS LiveCD with build in Tor Onion routing and Privoxy.swf
BackTrack LiveCD to HD Installation Instruction Video .swf
Basic Nmap Usage!.swf
Basic Tools for Wardriving!.swf
Bluesnarfer attack tool demonstration.swf
Bluesnarfing a Nokia 6310i hand set.avi
Breaking WEP in 10 minutes.avi
BufferOverflowPart2-Shellcoding ByIDEspinner.avi
Cain to ARP poison and sniff passwords!.avi
Complete Hacking Video using Metasploit - Meterpreter.swf
Cracking a 128 bit WEP key (Auditor).swf
Cracking a 128 Bit Wep key + entering the cridentials.swf
Cracking Syskey and the SAM on Windows Using Samdump2 and John!.swf
Cracking Windows Passwords with BackTrack and the Online Rainbow Tables at Plain-Text!.swf
Cracking WPA Networks (Auditor).swf
DoS attack against Windows FTP Server - DoS.avi
Droop s Box Simple Pen-test Using Nmap, Nikto, Bugtraq, Nslookup and Other Tools!.swf
Exploiting some bugs of tools used in Windows.swf.swf
Exploiting weaknesses of PPTP VPN (Auditor).swf
Finding Rogue SMB File Shares On Your Network!.swf
Fun with Ettercap Filters!.swf
How to crack the local windows passwords in the SAM database .swf
How to decrypt SSL encrypted traffic using a man in the middle attack (Auditor).swf
How to sniff around switches using Arpspoof and Ngrep!.avi
IDEspinner Buffer Overflows pt1.avi
IDEspinner Feature Addition pt1.avi
IDEspinner Feature Addition pt2.avi
Install VNC Remotely!.avi
Internet Explorer Remote Command Execution Exploit (CMDExe) Client Side Attack (Hi-Res).avi
Internet Explorer Remote Command Execution Exploit (CMDExe) Client Side Attack (Lo-Res).avi
John The Ripper 1.7 password cracker Installation Instruction Video .swf
Local Password Cracking Presentation for the Indiana Higher Education Cybersecurity Summit 2005!.swf
MAC Bridging with Windows XP and Sniffing!.swf
Mass De-Authentication using void11 (Auditor).swf
Metasploit Flash Tutorial!.swf
MITM Hijacking.wmv
Nmap Video Tutorial 2 Port Scan Boogaloo!.swf
Sniffing logins and passwords.avi
Sniffing Remote Router Traffic via GRE Tunnels (Hi-Res).avi
Sniffing Remote Router Traffic via GRE Tunnels (Lo-Res).avi
Sniffing VoIP Using Cain!.swf
Snort Instruction video - howto install into backtrack.swf
SSH Dynamic Port Forwarding!.swf
Start a session and get interactive commandline access to a remote Windows box!.avi
Telnet Bruteforce.avi
Tunneling Exploits through SSH.avi
Use Brutus to crack a box running telnet!.avi
Using NetworkActiv to sniff webpages on a Wi-Fi network!.swf
WEP Cracking using Aireplay v2.2 Beta 7 (Whax 3.0).swf
WMF File Code Execution Vulnerability With Metasploit!.swf
WPA Cracking using Aireplay v2.2 Beta 7 (Whax 3.0).swf


Ec-Council Ceh V6 All Slides

Ec-Council Ceh V6 Slides

CEHv6 Module 00 Student Introduction.pdf
CEHv6 Module 01 Introduction to Ethical Hacking.pdf
CEHv6 Module 02 Hacking Laws.pdf
CEHv6 Module 03 Footprinting.pdf
CEHv6 Module 04 Google Hacking.pdf
CEHv6 Module 05 Scanning.pdf
CEHv6 Module 06 Enumeration.pdf
CEHv6 Module 07 System Hacking.pdf
CEHv6 Module 08 Trojans and Backdoors.pdf
CEHv6 Module 09 Viruses and Worms.pdf
CEHv6 Module 10 Sniffers.pdf
CEHv6 Module 11 Social Engineering.pdf
CEHv6 Module 12 Phishing.pdf
CEHv6 Module 13 Hacking Email Accounts.pdf
CEHv6 Module 14 Denial of Service.pdf
CEHv6 Module 15 Session Hijacking.pdf
CEHv6 Module 16 Hacking Webservers.pdf
CEHv6 Module 17 Web Application Vulnerabilities.pdf
CEHv6 Module 18 Web based Password Cracking Techniques.pdf
CEHv6 Module 19 SQL Injection.pdf
CEHv6 Module 20 Hacking Wireless Networks.pdf
CEHv6 Module 21 Physical Security.pdf
CEHv6 Module 22 Linux Hacking.pdf
CEHv6 Module 23 Evading IDS Firewall and Honeypot.pdf
CEHv6 Module 24 Buffer Overflows.pdf
CEHv6 Module 25 Cryptography.pdf
CEHv6 Module 26 Penetration Testing.pdf
CEHv6 Module 28 Writing Virus Codes.pdf
CEHv6 Module 29 Assembly Language Tutorial.pdf
CEHv6 Module 30 Exploit Writing.pdf
CEHv6 Module 31 Exploit Writing.pdf
CEHv6 Module 32 Exploit Writing.pdf
CEHv6 Module 33 Reverse Engineering Techniques.pdf
CEHv6 Module 34 MAC OS X Hacking.pdf
CEHv6 Module 35 Hacking Routers, Cable Modems and Firewalls.pdf
CEHv6 Module 36 Hacking Mobile Phones, PDA and Handheld Devices.pdf
CEHv6 Module 37 Bluetooth Hacking.pdf
CEHv6 Module 38 VoIP Hacking.pdf
CEHv6 Module 39 RFID Hacking.pdf
CEHv6 Module 40 Spamming.pdf
CEHv6 Module 41 Hacking USB Devices.pdf
CEHv6 Module 42 Hacking Database Servers.pdf
CEHv6 Module 43 Cyber Warfare- Hacking Al-Qaida and Terrorism.pdf
CEHv6 Module 44 Internet Content Filtering Techniques.pdf
CEHv6 Module 45 Privacy on the Internet.pdf
CEHv6 Module 46 Securing Laptop Computers.pdf
CEHv6 Module 47 Spying Technologies.pdf
CEHv6 Module 48 Corporate Espionage by Insiders.pdf
CEHv6 Module 49 Creating Security Policies.pdf
CEHv6 Module 50 Software Piracy and Warez.pdf
CEHv6 Module 51 Hacking and Cheating Online Games.pdf
CEHv6 Module 52 Hacking RSS and Atom.pdf
CEHv6 Module 53 Hacking Web Browsers.pdf
CEHv6 Module 54 Proxy Server Technologies.pdf
CEHv6 Module 55 Preventing Data Loss.pdf
CEHv6 Module 56 Hacking Global Positioning System.pdf
CEHv6 Module 57 Computer Forensics and Incident Handling.pdf
CEHv6 Module 58 Credit Card Frauds.pdf
CEHv6 Module 59 How to Steal Passwords.pdf
CEHv6 Module 60 Firewall Technologies.pdf
CEHv6 Module 61 Threats and Countermeasures.pdf
CEHv6 Module 62 Case Studies.pdf
CEHv6 Module 63 Botnets.pdf
CEHv6 Module 64 Economic Espionage.pdf
CEHv6 Module 65 Patch Management.pdf
CEHv6 Module 66 Security Convergence.pdf
CEHv6 Module 67 Identifying the Terrorists.pdf

Approx 250MB
New Files 10.12.2008 Update

Ec-Council Ceh V6 Slides

Ec-Council Ceh V6 Slides

this is the slide i have:

CEHv6 Module 00 Student Introduction.pdf
CEHv6 Module 01 Introduction to Ethical Hacking.pdf
CEHv6 Module 02 Hacking Laws.pdf
CEHv6 Module 03 Footprinting.pdf
CEHv6 Module 04 Google Hacking.pdf
CEHv6 Module 05 Scanning.pdf
CEHv6 Module 06 Enumeration.pdf
CEHv6 Module 07 System Hacking.pdf
CEHv6 Module 08 Trojans and Backdoors.pdf
CEHv6 Module 09 Viruses and Worms.pdf
CEHv6 Module 10 Sniffers.pdf
CEHv6 Module 11 Social Engineering.pdf
CEHv6 Module 12 Phishing.pdf
CEHv6 Module 13 Hacking Email Accounts.pdf
CEHv6 Module 14 Denial of Service.pdf
CEHv6 Module 15 Session Hijacking.pdf
CEHv6 Module 16 Hacking Webservers.pdf
CEHv6 Module 17 Web Application Vulnerabilities.pdf
CEHv6 Module 18 Web based Password Cracking Techniques.pdf
CEHv6 Module 19 SQL Injection.pdf
CEHv6 Module 20 Hacking Wireless Networks.pdf
CEHv6 Module 21 Physical Security.pdf
CEHv6 Module 22 Linux Hacking.pdf
CEHv6 Module 23 Evading IDS Firewall and Honeypot.pdf
CEHv6 Module 50 Software Piracy and Warez.pdf
CEHv6 Module 51 Hacking and Cheating Online Games.pdf
CEHv6 Module 61 Threats and Countermeasures.pdf
CEHv6 Module 62 Case Studies.pdf
CEHv6 Module 63 Botnets.pdf
CEHv6 Module 64 Economic Espionage.pdf
CEHv6 Module 65 Patch Management.pdf
CEHv6 Module 66 Security Convergence.pdf
CEHv6 Module 67 Identifying the Terrorists.pdf

Approx 180MB
new link will be added Soon!

New Links !!!
All slides!!
Approx 250MG

Astalavista's Security Toolbox DVD 2008 - v5.0

Astalavista's Security Toolbox DVD 2008 - v5.0

Astalavista's Security Toolbox DVD 2008 (v5.0)

is considered to be the largest and most comprehensive Information Security archive. As always we are committed to provide you with a resource for all of your security and hacking interests, in an interactive way! The Information found on the Security Toolbox DVD has been carefully selected, so that you will only browse through quality information and tools. No matter if you are a computer enthusiast, a computer geek, a newbie looking for information on "how to hack", or an IT Security professional looking for quality and up to date information for offline use or just for convenience, we are sure that you will be satisfied, even delighted by the DVD!

Direct Download:

LearnKey CISSP Certification Course

LearnKey CISSP Certification Course

LearnKey understands that security certification is highly desired by students. Partnering with International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium or (ISC)², enables LearnKey to compile a comprehensive CISSP course that covers the topics in the (ISC)² exam such as, Access Control Systems, Cryptography, and Security Management Practices. This enables students to confidently prepare for the (ISC)² CISSP exam.

Password: yoknall

VTC Microsoft Windows Vista Security

VTC Microsoft Windows Vista Security

Title: Microsoft Windows Vista Security
Release Date: 2007-10-19
Duration: 6 hrs / 67 lessons

Windows Vista is Microsoft’s newest operating system. Although it’s considered to be the most secure version of the Microsoft Windows operating system to date, configuring its new security features and winding your way through Vista’s new user interfaces can be a daunting task. VTC author & experienced security administrator Bobby Rogers will guide you to the key information that both beginners and seasoned professionals will need to securely deploy Windows Vista in a home, small business, or enterprise-level environment.

Offensive Security 101 v.2.0 [REUPLOAD]

Offensisive-security 101

This site is an Online Training spinoff of the BackTrack live CD. Our courses are tailored for System Administrators and Security Professionals who want to learn how to get the most out of BackTrack - directly from it's creators! Our two flagship online courses are "Offensive Security 101" and "BackTrack to the Max".

What Is BackTrack?

BackTrack is the result of the merging of two Innovative Penetration Testing live Linux distributions - Whax and Auditor. BackTrack has been dubbed as the best Security Live CD today, and has been rated 1st in its category, and 32nd overall in Based on SLAX (Slackware), BackTrack provides user modularity. This means the distribution can be easily customised by the user to include personal scripts, additional tools, customised kernels, etc.

About the Courses

The courses are designed for busy professionals who need to step into the offensive security world, but do not have the time to attend a full blown course. Pre recorded sessions can be viewed in your own free time, at your leisure - and can be played over in case a topic needs further clarification.

A student chatroom and forum allow you to interact with our trainers as well as other students and experience hacking tools and techniques in a real live computer lab. The lab is confined to a local network and is legally safe and sterile for exercise.

Upon completion of the course, you may decide to take the Certification Challenge. In this final exam, your newly learned skills will be tested by a Hack Challenge in an unfamiliar environment. Once the challenge has been successfully completed, you will receive an OSCP (Offensive Security Certified Professional) Certification.

About the Trainers

The trainers giving the online courses are seasoned security professionals with over 10 years of experience in offensive security, pentesting and risk assessment. In addition, all trainers have at least 6 years of experience in public speaking and corporate security training.

1x195mb + 1x125mg

Offensive Security 101 v.2.0 [REUPLOAD]

Offensisive-security 101

This site is an Online Training spinoff of the BackTrack live CD. Our courses are tailored for System Administrators and Security Professionals who want to learn how to get the most out of BackTrack - directly from it's creators! Our two flagship online courses are "Offensive Security 101" and "BackTrack to the Max".

What Is BackTrack?

BackTrack is the result of the merging of two Innovative Penetration Testing live Linux distributions - Whax and Auditor. BackTrack has been dubbed as the best Security Live CD today, and has been rated 1st in its category, and 32nd overall in Based on SLAX (Slackware), BackTrack provides user modularity. This means the distribution can be easily customised by the user to include personal scripts, additional tools, customised kernels, etc.

About the Courses

The courses are designed for busy professionals who need to step into the offensive security world, but do not have the time to attend a full blown course. Pre recorded sessions can be viewed in your own free time, at your leisure - and can be played over in case a topic needs further clarification.

A student chatroom and forum allow you to interact with our trainers as well as other students and experience hacking tools and techniques in a real live computer lab. The lab is confined to a local network and is legally safe and sterile for exercise.

Upon completion of the course, you may decide to take the Certification Challenge. In this final exam, your newly learned skills will be tested by a Hack Challenge in an unfamiliar environment. Once the challenge has been successfully completed, you will receive an OSCP (Offensive Security Certified Professional) Certification.

About the Trainers

The trainers giving the online courses are seasoned security professionals with over 10 years of experience in offensive security, pentesting and risk assessment. In addition, all trainers have at least 6 years of experience in public speaking and corporate security training.

1x195mb + 1x125mg

Backtrack Shmoo to the max!

Backtrack Shmoo to the max!

the Backtrack phenomenom is very amazing,especially the tools which is provide in 1 packet cd,in the 25/02/2008 the Shmoo people present the teaser of some how to use B2m (backtrack 2 the max).

Certified Penetration Testing Specialist (CPTS) Training by Mile2[ReUpload]

CPTS is built upon proven hands-on Penetration Testing methodologies as utilized by our international group of vulnerability consultants. Mile2 trainers keep abreast of their expertise by practicing what they teach because we believe that an equal emphasis on theoretical and real world experience is essential for effective knowledge transfer to you, the student. The CPTS presents information on the latest vulnerabilities and defenses. This class also enhances the business skills needed to identify protection opportunities, justify testing activities and optimize security controls appropriate to the business needs in order to reduce business risk. We go far beyond simply teaching you to “Hack” -- the norm with the classes that have been available until now. Our course is developed based on principles and methods used by malicious hackers, but its focus is professional penetration testing and securing information assets.

Upon completion, CPTS - Certified Penetration Testing Specialist students will be able to confidently undertake the Thompson Prometric CPTS examination (recommended) or the easier Certified Ethical Hacker (312-50) Self Study. Students will enjoy an in-depth course that is continuously updated to maintain and incorporate the ever changing security environment. This course offers up-to-date proprietary laboratories that have been researched and developed by leading security professionals from around the world .

Competitive Advantages

Career Academy Computer-Based Training is a cost effective method that meets the critical demands of computer users. Experience our expert-led computer training courses in a comfortable and convenient environment. You get the feel of a computer training school delivered through flexible and familiar technology.

Following 9/11 ** Career Academy's security training partner, Mile2 has through necessity, been thrust into position as the World's largest specialty IT security training organization. Mile2 has provided training services to every US military and intelligence agency, as well as similar agencies for some of the USA's closest allies. These same classes are available to the corporate world with students coming from industries ranging from charities, banking, insurance, health, communications, transport, law enforcement, education and almost any sector imaginable. Mile2's distinction over the competition is that our instructors eat, drink, sleep and breath IT security.
Training comes to life with our full motion video, challenging labs, critical assessment and real-world insight from experts with vast experience in the subject matter. Engage in dynamic learning where multiple senses help reinforce learning concepts. See the steps, hear the explanations then put your skills to work. Our proven methodology provides an unequalled training experience with exceptional results.

Choosing Career Academy’s training with our expert-created study guides and interactive labs will result in an engaging learning experience. You will find that Career Academy’s training is second to none. Career Academy alone is the best site to offer the equivalent to an actual Microsoft training. See the steps, hear the explanations then put your skills to work. Our proven methodology provides an unequalled training experience with exceptional results. Distinguish your knowledge. Enhance your career.

Course Outline

Module 1 - Business and Technical Logistics for Pen Testing
Module 2 - Reconnaissance: Information Gathering
Module 3 - Linux Fundamentals
Module 4 - Reconnaissance: Detecting Live Systems
Module 5 - Reconnaissance: Enumeration
Module 6 - Cryptography: Decrypting the Cipher
Module 7 - Vulnerability Assessments
Module 8 - Windows Hacking: Staying Ahead of the Hacker
Module 9 - Advanced Exploit Techniques
Module 10 - Malware: Software Goes Undercover
Module 11 - Attacking Wireless Networks: Securing the Air
Module 12 - Networks, Sniffing and IDS: Intercept and Redirect!
Module 13 - Injecting the Database
Module 14 - Attacking Web Technologies

AppDev - .NET Security

.NET Security
AppDev Technical Publishing

View the Course Outline
(Level 1 Level 2)

Entire course includes...

  • 700 pages of courseware
  • 32 hours of hands-on content
  • Step-by-step hands-on labs
  • Sample Files
  • PowerPoint slides for instructors

AppDev - .NET Security

In this course, you'll learn about the security features in .NET. You'll gain an understanding of the new security architecture in the .NET Framework, and about Code Access Security in the Common Language Runtime. You'll explore how to administer security policy using visual and command-line tools. You also learn how to write script to implement security.


1 comment:

  1. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow /Hey thanks man!! you are so good. I think this the perfect work.
    CISSP Training Courses
